Is CompleteSave a Scam? Let’s Find Out

Hey everyone! So, there’s been a lot of talk lately about” is CompleteSave a Scam”, you know, that subscription-based service that says it can save you money on stuff you buy anyway, like travel and shopping. But, like, some people are really questioning if it’s all legit or just another scam. So, I thought, why not dive into it and see what’s up?

What’s CompleteSave Anyway?

Ok, so CompleteSave is this service where you pay a monthly fee and supposedly get access to loads of discounts and cashback offers. Sounds pretty neat, right? But here’s where it gets kinda sketchy for some folks.

The Whole Controversy Thing

I took a look at what people are saying online, especially on Trustpilot, and man, it’s like night and day. Some users are all praises, talking about how they’ve saved a bunch of money. Then, there’s this other camp that’s not so happy, pointing out issues like unexpected charges or a real headache trying to cancel the subscription.

Good Stuff People Say:

  • Awesome savings on regular buys.
  • Super easy to use and get cashback.

Not-So-Good Stuff:

  • Some folks are like, “Wait, how did I even sign up for this?”
  • Canceling the service? Good luck, seems it’s a bit of a hassle.
  • The terms about fees and stuff aren’t exactly crystal clear.

So, Is It a Scam or What?

Here’s the deal, calling CompleteSave a scam might be a stretch if we’re talking about straight-up fraud. The complaints mostly seem to be about how they do their business, not that they’re out to steal your money without giving anything back.

Advice If You’re Thinking About Joining CompleteSave

If you’re kinda on the fence about trying CompleteSave, here are some tips to keep things smooth:

  1. Read Everything: Seriously, don’t skip the fine print.
  2. Subscription Details Are Key: Make sure you know what you’re signing up for.
  3. Cancelling: Figure out how to cancel before you might need to.
  4. Keep an Eye on Your Bank Statements: Just to make sure you’re only getting charged what you expect.

Conclusion, Is CompleteSave is a Scam ?

So, is CompleteSave a scam? Based on what I found, it’s more about being clear on what you’re signing up for and staying on top of things. But hey, always do your own research and check out both the good and bad reviews to make the best choice for you.

Remember, being informed is your best bet in making sure you’re getting a good deal, not getting caught out


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